The goal of this project was to create a picture which had a roughly equal balance between white space and a dark color. The inspiration came from Negative/Positive Drawing on Art Projects for Kids. However, rather than copy the flower pot drawing in the example, we browsed the blog for other picture ideas. I chose Koh Fish Painting as my starting point, my twelve year old daughter chose How to Draw a Poinsettia, and my seven year old chose How to Draw a Whale. My son created his own computer themed picture.
We began by creating pencil drawings.
Then proceeded to color in one-half of the picture using only one color.
Adding vertical and horizontal lines worked well to help the kids create balanced drawings.
Poinsettia - 12 year old daughter
Computer Scene - by m 10 year old son
Whale and Fish - 7 year old daughter
Fish from the top - by Julie (that's me)
Coloring in large alternating areas of background first made coloring the figures in alternating patters of color and white space easier.
We have greatly increased the amount of art projects at Highhill Education over the past year, and the kids just love it. To see more of the projects we have done please visit our Arts and Crafts Page.
For activity ideas from others check out these blog hops.

Wow, you have great artists in your family! Thanks for the link--we will definitely check out this cool project!