The final week our emergency class was spent dealing with emergency scenarios. In all but one case, the mothers were the victims and the children had to decide what to do.
Each scenario was outlined with symptoms and steps for the children to take, but the children did not see the cards. The list was a check-list to help the parents make sure the kids covered everything.
One of the mothers was into theater and brought some stage make-up along.
Mom's cooking and cuts herself badly with the knife
Mom's eating and chokes on a nut
A loud crash is heard and the kids run upstairs to find mom unconscious with a ladder on top of her (The ladder was already removed when the photo was taken.)
For one of the scenarios we had a child do the acting. Meanwhile the kids were playing outside and didn't notice he disappeared.
He came zooming out of the garage on a bike and fell down. Several kids rushed over and wanted to call 911. After going through three previous scenarios they thought this was an emergency too. However, they all agreed that their mom's do not normally call 911 when they fall playing outside.
Mom was walking with scissors and tripped to have the scissors impaled
Mom was found unconscious and not breathing
Mom was having difficulty breathing and then fell into an unconscious state
Seeing the other moms acting this way was a bit unnerving. After several minutes of no response, even I began to wonder if it was a real life scenario. Thankfully, it was all acting on this day and we all feel much better prepared for an emergency.

Check out these great blog hops for more educational activity ideas.
You had some great actors in your class! ;-) It sounds like you all learned a lot about how to respond to different emergencies.
ReplyDeleteI did a similar activity many years ago when teaching first aid to my Brownies and Pippins (GirlGuides). I teamed 2 sisters together, as the little Pippin was quite shy. The Brownie (about 7 or 8) had to pretend to have hurt her leg after being kicked by someone playing soccer and her little Pippin sister (5) had to bandage her leg etc. This little Pippin asked her sister to stand still whilst she kicked her in the leg so she could fix it, like on her card. Fortunately her big sister was trying to explain she had to imagine the injury but Miss 5 wasn't having a bar of it. Thankfully we were moving around the room checking the different groups and were able to stop it in time, although we adults just about wet ourselves laughing over it when we walked away. The look of disappointment on this very tiny, little 5 year was priceless!