Op art is art that looks like it has movement or plays tricks on the eye. This project looks like moving worms.
Basically a permanent marker is used to draw a curvy line across the paper and then additional curvy bubbles are added to both sides of the main line until the stack runs off the paper.
7 year old daughter
Most of the tutorials recommend coloring in alternating contrasting colors which adds to the illusion of movement. My daughter chose to color them like this as she didn't want to spend the time coloring with alternating stripes. I really like the way her op art project turned out.
12 year old daughter
More of our art projects can be found on our Arts and Crafts Page.

Love this one too! I've always been intrigued when I've seen these on Pinterest. My daughter made the hand one at her homeschool group recently - it turned out really well. Your girls' pictures are lovely.