Celtic history co-op. Week 9: Feast

Week 9: Each family prepared a Celtic dish to share at a feast.

Bread made from oats, barley, rye and wheat was enjoyed by the Celts and by us today.

Celts ate a northern grain called millet. This dish contained millet mixed with vegetables such as carrots, peas and onions and herbs such as salt, pepper and garlic which were available to the Celts.

A stew of beef, barley and vegetables such as beans an carrots was shared.

 Bread, cheese and apples were available to the Celts.

Oats, raisins, honey and nuts could have been mixed together to form deserts. Grapes would have come from the Greeks and Romans in the south. Although they do grow in Northern Europe, they were not native and wouldn't have been a common food.

Apples and oats were commonly eaten.

To read more about our hands-on history activities please visit our History Page.


  1. This is a feast indeed! What a great way to learn about the Celts!

  2. There are some delicious looking foods there! Especially the stew and the oats.:)

  3. I'm totally gonna copy you :) at home- not on the blog! great tool for learning- and you know we love anything that involves cooking with kids! thanks for linking with KIK


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