Winter is a time for snuggling up under blankets inside, but also for getting out and exploring nature. Here are some winter picture sure to inspire exploration.
The Big Snow
- Picture book which tells how many animals prepare for and spend the winter months. This is a great book to read to kids in conjunction with a nature study. In addition, it's perfect for young children before beginning more advanced science texts of a Charlotte Mason curriculum such as Ambleside On-line.
Winter Trees
- Picture book which describes how to identify trees by their shape.
Snow Tracks
by Jean George - This book tells the story of what the animals are doing based on their tracks.
Up North in Winter
by Deborah Hartley - During the year 1911, Grandpa had to take a job in another town. The winter was cold and life was difficult.
When Peter was lost in the forest
by Hans Peterson - Seven year old Peter curiously follows animal tracks, but soon gets lost. He's lucky enough to find shelter for the night in an old broken down house.
In the same way The Big Snow describes what animals do during the winter,
White Snow, Bright Snow
describes what people do.
For activity ideas from others check out these
blog hops.
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** I am an Amazon associate and receive a small portion of the sales on orders made after clicking in from this site, which I promptly spend on homeschooling books and supplies for my children.
Great list - you have a couple we could have used during the last snow - good for us there's still plenty of winter left!