
Speed! is Available on the iPhone

Last week Speed! was approved for the iPhone.

Now there are three ways to enjoy this awesome skip-counting game. It's fun for both kids and adults, and a little bit addictive. We think that's good because the more it's played the easier multiplication becomes.

Here's some of the feedback we received in January when Speed! went live on the iPad.

My wife wants it on her iPhone NOW! 

I watched my husband play for an hour after he downloaded it while I waited for a turn. 

My son has been playing for an hour. He doesn't want to give his brother and sister a turn.

Your brother and his two brother-in-laws haven't left the couch for two hours. They are all playing Speed! on their own iPads and having a great time. (from mom)

It's only 99 cents so download it and enjoy. If you like it (and we know you will) be sure to let your friends know about Speed! and leave us some feedback in the iTunes store:) 

This post is linked to: 
Family Fun Friday
Hammock Tracks


  1. Thanks for sharing this at Homeschool Review, Julie.

  2. thanks for sharing the new app! we just downloaded it!

    1. Oh yea! Have fun playing and let me know how it goes.

    2. I lost the Ipad to Speed playing today so I think it is hit lol! I have shared it with the G+ apps for Kids community too! thanks so much for this game

    3. I'm glad you guys like it! And thanks for sharing it.


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