
Multiplication Bead Tower

I was fascinated with the Multiplication Tower Malke at The Map is Not the Territory built and had to try it out with my daughter.

Unfortunately we didn't have a foam block so we filed a cardboard box with cotton to serve as our base.

Then we stuck in wooden skewers in a 5x5 grid pattern, and added beads to that corresponded with the multiplication tables.

This beautiful, creative activity displayed multiplication concepts in a very visual way. Be sure to check out The Map is Not the Territory to see pictures of their tower too.

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True Aim Education


  1. I've been meaning for weeks to get a piece of foam to try this too - great idea to use cotton wool. Wonderfully visual and tactile way to play with multiplication! Lucinda

  2. As always, I am inspired after stopping by to catch up with what is new with you and the family. Love this idea for multiplication, as Jonas is a very tactile learner.
    Also I have been appreciating the regular Jemma updates. Thanks for posting those as well. I know it can't always be easy.

    Aand last but not least, I have something for you over my way, if you choose to accept:-) 4/10/13

  3. Very cool! I might do this with my daughter over the summer.

  4. Thanks for linking up to Show and Tell Tuesday! We're just about to start arrays to build foundational skills for multiplication. I happen to have some wooden dowels and styrofoam. I'm going to have to try this!
    Sunny Days In Second Grade

  5. Great way to visualize multiplication! Thanks for sharing at Mom's Library!

    1. Just want you to know I will be featuring this on Mom's Library this week! I hope you will stop by and share again!

  6. What a wonderful idea! Thank you so much for linking up:)

  7. I have never seen anything like this. Very neat!!

  8. Thank you for sharing! I included your blog post in the big collection of multiplication tower play through the years:


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