
Flower Pony Tail Holders

It's a little ironic that my child who lost all her hair due to Leukemia treatment is sewing flower pony tail holders.

A few months ago she received a wig which is actually part of her dance costume. The wig contains two thick braids and these are perfect for the bottom of the braids. She also plans to use them when her hair grows back.

This is an excellent beginning sewing project. My daughter is only five and can now make them completely on her own. This summer when my mom stayed with us to help out during the initial phase of treatment, she taught the girls to sew yo-yo flowers. They have used them to decorate shirts and headbands and even made a doll completely out of yo-yo flowers.

We do tons of sewing and crafting projects. To see more of them please visit our craft page.

This post is linked to: 
Saturday Show and Tell

37 FREE Online Art and Music Resources by Susan @ Homeschooling Hearts & Minds
Homeschool Without Traditional Art by Christy @ Unexpected Homeschool
Draw What? by TechWife @ A Playground of Words
Flower Pony Tail Holders - Beginning Sewing Projects by Julie @ Highhill Education
Seeking Beauty- Virtual Curriculum Fair by Karyn @ Teach Beside Me
Creating an Artsy Homeschool, even if you're not by Erin @ Delighting in His Richness
Living with an Artsy Boy by Annette @ A Net In Time Virtual Curriculum Fair Week 4- Seeking Beauty: The Arts and Everything That Brings Beauty to Our World by Leah @ As We Walk Along the Road


  1. These are beautiful! I bet they would look great sewn onto a headband too. My 6 year old would love them! Thanks for linking up!

  2. Really cute---now you need to post a tutorial. ;0)

    1. Susan - The tutorial is here. I'll have to change it around a bit to make it more obvious.

  3. that was just a fun short read. :)

    Annette @ A Net In Time

  4. I am in shock at your 5yr old can sew these. My daughter is 5 and I am not sure she could do it. I guess practice makes perfect, I need to get her sewing! Thanks so much for sharing on We Made That!

    1. Every child is different. My 5 year old really enjoys sewing. There is no way my 9 year old son could have made these and I think it would be a challenge for him today. He's just not interested.... but he can open the garage door for me that I can never get my key to work in, loves the show How It's Made, is a whiz at computers and knows all of the stats on the Apple i products.

  5. The yo yo flowers by your sweet girl is adorable..I love it

  6. ilove your little angel's yo yo flowers. so sweet... i like it and love it...
    i am you new follower now...

  7. Thanks for sharing the yo yo flowers. Your daughters are adorable.

    I found this post at the Pin Me Linky Party #21 and will be pinning it.

  8. They look so cute and it is so sweet that your daughter is making them on her own! I need to try some projects like this with my girls.
    Thanks so much for linking up at Real Family Fun.
    Take care,


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