
Computer Programming - Scratch Basics

Scratch is a great tool for kids to learn the basics of computer programming. It is a free programming language developed to teach kids these skills. The tool itself is fun to play with, but I recently discovered a series of youtube videos that are teaching my kids how to use it. I asked them to watch this 10 minute video on Scratch Basics and then open the tool and play around. What they came up with is amazing.

In Fly-O-Rama the player sees if the shark can catch the bee. The shark moves when the q key is pressed. The bee moves when the arrow keys are pressed and the space bar, m and b make the characters talk.

This program is an animation of a dancer in action.

The following keyboard keys control the dancer.
a - next stage and hide dancer
b - show dancer
c - dancer raises arm
d - dancer jumps into the splits
e - dancer kicks leg into the air and catches it
f - dancer does an aerial
arrow keys - move dancer

To see these programs go to the Scratch website.

Scratch is great for future scientists and engineers, but can be enjoyed by lots of children. To create programs kids unknowingly practice many math skills such as coordinate systems and degrees in a circle. When they see their working completed programs they are so proud. I'm very impressed with this free tool.

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Mom's Library


  1. Thanks for sharing this at Favorite Resources. While I did know about Scratch, and actually have it installed on both of our laptops, I had not come across the Scratch Basics video that you linked to...I will be watching that with my girls soon!

    1. We had the program for a long time before I found the videos. The videos generated a ton of interest!

    2. That sounds perfect because I've been trying to figure out a good way to spark interest :)

  2. Thank you for linking up this week at my Thursday's Tech Tips for Teachers and showing my follower such a terrific tip!
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