
Educational Christmas Gifts

Growing-up the gifts I received from my mother were always educational. Many of the gifts were also very crafty. She continues the tradition by giving educational and crafty gifts to her grandchildren, and I have followed in her footsteps. Here are some of my favorite gift ideas. They range in price from about $5 up to $75 or so, but most are and in the $15-$20 range.

Ages 3 and up

Perler Beads and Twisted Critters are crafty gifts for little ones. They can learn about the United States while doing a puzzle with the Talking USA puzzle. There are so many wonderful Educational Videos. The Letter Factory is a great one to get kids started reading. Who doesn't love books? If you're having trouble deciding which one to get, the 20th Century Children's Book Treasury is packed full of many wonderful stories.

Ages 4 and up

There are many Sticky Mosaics by the Orb Factory to choose from. These crafty kits make a good gift for boys or girls. Kids can have a lot of fun gathering leaves and flowers to place in a Leaf Press.
Uno or a regular deck of cards can provide hours of educational entertainment.

Ages 5 and up

Crafters will love creating potholders with this quality Potholder Loom. Megna Tiles
are a magnetic building toy. Kids playing with these will quickly learn different flat patterns that become 3-dimensional shapes. What's Gnu is a learn to read game. A State Quarter Map can teach kids about money and geography at the same time, while developing a hobby that could last a lifetime.


Ages 7 and up

Speed! is a fun skip counting game which helps kids learn to multiply. Cribbage is a classic game which is fun and teaches kids strategy while they work on their addition skills. Bananagrams is a Scrabble like word game. The 26 Fairmount Avenue book series by Tomie DePaola is a wonderful chapter book series for this age.


Ages 8 and up

Kid's Paper Airplane Book by Ken Blackburn teaches kids how to make several different paper airplanes and suggests activities for the planes. Snap Circuits is an electrical kit with lots of activities. Kids learn about resisters, and capacitors while putting together circuits that do things like play music when hands are clapped. Wire Jewelry making supplies are a fun crafty activity that kids can explore.

Have a Merry Christmas!

* Speed! is produced by Highhill Educational Supplies which is my company.
** I do not receive any compensation for any other product recommendations on this blog. I'm just a homeschooling mom who has found many products that I like. If you're interested in the products I recommend on this blog I want to make it easy for you to find them. 

*** I am an amazon associate and receive a small portion of the sales on orders made after clicking in from this site, which I promptly spend on homeschooling books and supplies for my children.


  1. Great gift ideas! I love that paper airplane book. I am doing a game post soon and including your Speed game. Such a great game and learning tool. Thanks for sharing this at Mom's Library!

    1. That's awesome. I just found your blog a few weeks ago. I will keep a look out for your post.

  2. I asked extended family for mostly art type things for the kids last year. I love that they are consumable and educational! I just noticed those Sticky Mosaics the other day and thought they looked great! Glad to hear you like them. I think my daughter would love them. Thanks for sharing these great ideas with us at Trivium Tuesdays!

  3. Great ideas! I always loved giving some educational presents at Christmastime, too. I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page:


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