
How to Homeschool for Free

Homeschooling doesn't have to be expensive to be effective. Often those new to homeschooling believe they need to purchase a full accredited curriculum for their children to get a quality education. Fortunately, this is not the case. It is however, necessary for the parents to have a vested interest and invest time into their child. Parents need to support and encourage the education process by helping their child locate resources to facilitate learning whether expensive, low cost or free. As children become more independent, parents will need to invest fewer hours into education. Children who have learned how to locate information on their own can be extremely independent and educated learners.

The internet and the library are the two best free homeschooling resources. These are followed by the outdoor classroom of nature, and time friends and family are willing to spend when sharing their knowledge, skills and hobbies with children. The internet is loaded with free resources to support education. Libraries are full of physical books, but also offer audio books, on-line books, documentaries and educational seminars. Nature centers routinely offer free programs and have small museums that welcome visitors. Just being outside facilitates learning. Kids can observe nature, but can also learn math outdoors for free. Do they really need counting objects when learning to add and subtract, or would acorns, berries and leaves work the same way?

Reading, writing and math are foundational educational skills. Everything else requires a knowledge of the three R's and can be learned in a flexible order based on skills, interests and opportunities. It takes time to locate the resources that will work for your family, but here are a few to help get you started.

Youtube - History and Science Documentaries, Skills of Every Kind

Of course everybody has heard of Youtube. There are tons of historical and scientific documentaries on Youtube. Plus, it can be used to look up information on musicians, artists and how-to crafting instructions.

Courses and Curriculum

Khan Academy - Free online video courses - upper level

Computer Programming

Scratch is a tool for teaching children how to write computer programs.

Foreign Language

Salsa Spanish is a website with many videos designed to teach Spanish to children in a fun way. The videos are completely in Spanish and are entertaining. One episode is a play on Red Riding Hood. They are excellent for elementary aged children.

Duolingo is a free language learning website available on the internet.

Audio Books and Written Books

Librivox and The Baldwin Project are two websites which contain books who's copyright has run out. Librivox contains audio files which can be downloaded and The Baldwin Project contains written files.

Starfall is a website for children learning to read. It uses a combination of phonics and fun games to motivate children.

Storynory is for listening to children’s stories. There are both classic and delightful new stories which can be downloaded.


Seterra is a free geography quiz tool. After downloading the game kids (and adults) can practice worldwide geography including, rivers, countries and capital cities.



My Book About Me. Please feel free to print it out for personal or classroom use. Kids ages K-3rd.

Postcrossing is a web group for exchanging postcards. After signing up members request an address for sending a postcard. A code is written on the card and after the card is received and the code recorded the sending member becomes eligible to receive cards. This is a great activity for kids to learn geography and improve writing skills. Young children can help by putting periods at the end of sentences and signing their name. Older children can write the cards and even manage the web site interaction. This is free except for the cards and postage.


History - Free Blank Timelines

Timelines are an essential tool for helping children understand the order in which past events have happened.

Blank Timeline 1000 AD - 2000 AD
Blank Timeline 0 - 1000 AD
Blank Timeline 1000 BC - 0
Blank Timeline 2000 BC - 2000 AD

Learning Through Stamps

The Postal History Foundation offers stamp packets for educators - (home school, private school, public school and other educators). On the website there are spaces to indicate how the stamps will be used and how many students are involved. The stamps are free, but they accept donations and appreciate money for shipping expenses.

"Mr. Johan Sebastian Bach came from a very musical family. Over 70 of his relatives made their livings as musicians. He was a German composer and during his life he made extra money by repairing organs. One time he worked for a prince until he felt the prince was getting too bossy and decided to leave. When the prince found his plans out, he had Bach thrown into jail until he finally ....."  

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