
Native American Unit Study - Lesson 9: Advanced Beadwork

My daughter created a Native American style beaded bracelet.

After experimenting with large plastic beads to create Native American beadwork, my daughter wanted to create more authentic pieces. Therefore, I purchased a Learning Circle Loom Kit from the Noc Bay Trading Company. The kit came with everything needed to create a bracelet including beads, nylon tread, needles, directions, wax and a loom.

Setting up the project was simple and straight forward after reading the directions. The most difficult part, by far, was stringing the first row of beads. It was quite difficult to get each bead into its proper place, but once the first row was complete, my daughter was able to do the rest on her own.

She followed a pattern included in the kit to create her design.

Once the bracelet was long enough, it was cut from the loom.

Next it was glued to a strip of leather included in the kit. Two small strips of leather were glued over the ends to hide the nylon string.

Once it was dry, she punched holes into the ends and tied it around her wrist.

She really enjoys crafts, so learning about Native American beading through this hands-on activity was perfect.

Check out these great blogs full of educational activity ideas.

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** I am an Amazon associate and receive a small portion of the sales on orders made after clicking in from this site, which I promptly spend on homeschooling books and supplies for my children. 

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures. I love the look of concentration on your daughter's face. Thank you for sharing about using a loom like this. The bracelet your daughter created is beautiful.


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