
Bottle Cap Necklaces

The kids made bottle cap necklaces.

Creating collections is something many kids do naturally around the ages of 10-13. Stamps and coins are common, but my son chose bottle caps. At first I wasn't thrilled with his new hobby, but I didn't say much, and now I'm actually encouraging it.

The above photo shows his collection as a sort of visual graph. He, along with his siblings, sorted both by color and category the entire large bag I brought home from the Belgium Bistro (a local restaurant with over 100 Belgium beers for sale). After sorting and arranging, he separated his collection into keepers and crafters/traders.

Over the summer, a friend's daughter who also collects bottle caps, came home from college. She makes her bottle caps into necklaces. After trading caps with my son she eagerly taught all the kids how to make necklaces using Sculpey III Polymer Clay Color Sampler, Multicolor and paper clips.

The paper clips were cut using wire cutters to form hooks for the necklaces. Then the caps were filled with clay while the hook ends were placed inside. Next, cute designs were placed on top of the cap filler clay. Finally, they were baked in the over for 15-20 minutes at 135 degrees C (295 degrees F).

For more crafty kids fun ideas, please visit my Arts and Crafts Page.

Check out these great blogs full of educational activity ideas.


  1. My little mouse would love this. I'm going to start keeping bottle caps. Thank you for the great idea. #ThursdayFavouriteThings.

  2. Cute idea for the bottle cap will be a good project for the little ones. Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop! I hope you’ll join us again next week!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick


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