
Alliteration in Stories - Activity for Kids

We brainstormed alliteration ideas to add to stories we were working on.

When walloping weights of words in a sentence begin with the same sound, that's alliteration. Ok - so maybe my example with w's was a little hokey, but the idea is clear. Each week we sit down together for around one hour at Tuesday tea time which is focused on writing literary elements and poetry. Although I planned this activity, the concept was inspired by Brave Writer.

During this session, after each child shared a random poem, we read two books filled with alliteration. While listening to The Duchess Bakes a Cake by Virginia Kahl, the kids wrote down some of the alliteration in the story;
  • A Duchess a Duke and their family of daughters
  • tired of talk
  • lovely light luscious delectable cake
  • king of their country
  • She pushed it and pummeled it, punched it and pat on it. She poked at it, punched it and finally sat on it.
In addition to the lovely alliteration in the story, we found one example of consonance. (That's when the alliteration happens in the middle of words); improper proportion. Those two words contain four p sounds.

In The Berenstains' B Book almost every word in the story begins with the letter B. This was one of my favorite childhood books and my daughter volunteered to read it.

After learning about alliteration and reading stories that contained alliteration, we spent 15 minutes brainstorming alliteration phrases to add to current stories we are working on. Here are some of the results.

  • lazily lapping up cat milk
  • eating meat
  • Fairy's flowery flowing gown
  • stinky, smelly, socks
  • perfectly plump woodcutter's wife who was swiftly stirring a gigantic pot of pretty peppery stew

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