
Fine Art Detective

We looked at forged fine artwork and solved a crime.

Art Fraud Detective: Spot the Difference, Solve the Crime!is a sort of I Spy book of fine art, but better. The book contains 32 works of art along with a brief explanation of each piece.

Readers compare museum pieces on the top of the pages, with original photographs from the museum's catalog on the bottom of the pages, to find differences. Each work of art has up to four differences as well as a fish, bird, star or tree identifying the gang who created the forgery.

There are four forgers in each gang who created two false paintings each, and four gangs in all resulting in the 32 works of art in the book. One gang member is a good guy/gal and did not create any forgeries.

By closely looking at each picture, readers can identify the good guy/gal as well as four works of art which were not forged.

The kids were very motivated to find the original works of art and solve the crime.

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** I am an Amazon associate and receive a small portion of the sales on orders made after clicking in from this site, which I promptly spend on homeschooling books and supplies for my children.

1 comment:

  1. I have the same book and am thinking of using it very soon. Thank you for sharing how you've used it. I'm looking forward to using our own copy now!


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