
Best Picture Books - Round 3

Have you read any good picture books lately? Here's another round of favorites at Highhill Education.

One Morning in Maine tells the story of two little girls living on the coast. They search for clams, learn that birds don't have teeth, but dogs do, and travel by boat to the store. This charming story is entertaining and educational for young children.

From sheep to shall, Charlie Needs a Cloak describes the process through a story. Charlie's cloak is worn out and he needs a new one.

The Quilt maker's Gift - The emperor who has it all wants a special quilt, but the quilt maker only gives her quilt to those in need. Find out how the emperor gets one of his own.

A House for a Hermit Crab - Each month of the year hermit crab grows and meets new sea creatures which decorate his shell.

The Butter Battle Book - When war breaks out between those who eat their bread with the butter side down and those who eat it with the butter side up who will win? This book brings home the stupidity of war.
Katy and the Big Snow - Katy is a snow plow who must free the city from a great snow storm. Traveling to the North, South, East and West she manages to plow out the police, fire fighters and more.

* I did not receive any compensation for this recommendation. I'm just a homeschooling mom who has found many products that I like. If you're interested in the products I recommend on this blog I want to make it easy for you to find them. 
** I am an Amazon associate and receive a small portion of the sales on orders made after clicking in from this site, which I promptly spend on homeschooling books and supplies for my children.

1 comment:

  1. A couple of those are new to me - I'll have to keep an eye out for them. Thanks. We are into the "Ladybug Girl" series of books right now. A little girl and her dog encounter the everyday problems of childhood, but become a super hero and sidekick able to solve any problem when Lulu dons her ladybug wings and red tutu. My 3 and 5-year-old girls LOVE them, but my 7-year-old boy always appears when we are reading them =)


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