
Where do pine tree seeds come from?

The Little Fir Tree by Margaret Wise Brown is a Christmas story that creates a warm feeling inside. A fir tree seed blown into an open field sprouts and grows into a tree. This beautiful picture book is the type to read over and over doing activities associated with the story each day. There are songs, seasons, life lessons, animals and other lessons to be drawn from the story. Getting seeds from cones and sprouting trees is only one fun activity that goes well with this book.

Have you ever wondered where pine tree seeds come from? I always thought they came from the pine cone, but haven't known how to get them out. My son wondered the same thing and as usual, turned to the internet for the answer. After watching a few videos like the one shown below he was on the hunt for pine cones.

He found that the chances of getting seeds from a pine cone are much higher if the pine cone has come directly from the tree. Most of the seeds from fallen pine cones have already fallen out or been eaten by animals.

Although the video suggests heating the pine cones, he found this step unnecessary for his pine cone since it was already opened.

Now my son and his eight year old friend plan to plant the seeds so they can climb the trees. We think they will have fun climbing when they are in their 20's.

Steps for getting seeds from a pine tree.
1. Spy a tree with lots of cones.

2. Throw sticks, rocks or anything you can find at the cones until one falls down.

3. Bang the cone on the ground until the seeds fall out.

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  1. I love that technique! Made me chuckle ... thank you ;)

  2. It's great when a story can inspire adventure and activities. Let's hope that the tree grows strong for those 20 year old boys! Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

  3. Sounds like fun, will have to go pine cone spotting #CountryKids


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