
Following a Map

Learning to read and follow a map is a very important skill. Usually my husband and I take care of the navigation, but one day I asked the kids to navigate. They each had a map of the hospital campus and we had to go from building 9 to building 50. It was only a short 3 minute walk, but it gave them a lot of confidence.

I've thought of taking this activity several steps further by asking them to plan a morning in a particular city and lead us where they want to go. We haven't done this yet, but maybe we will sometime in the future now that we are able to start traveling again.

This post is linked to: 
Montessori Monday
Kids Weekly Co-op


  1. It's a great real-life application of map reading skills!

  2. What a great idea for a summer activity! Thanks for linking up with Montessori Monday. I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page:


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