
Scratch - Lesson 2 - Sensing and Events

The kids created more computer programs using Scratch, a free tool to teach computer programming skills. First they watched Lesson 2 - Sensing and Events, and then played with the software to try out what they learned.

My son created the program called Movies and Monsters. He set the following keys on the keyboard to control the monsters.

arrow keys - move monster #1
j, k, l and i - move monster #2
g and z - make monster #3 appear and disappear
a, q and space bar - sounds

This is my son's second program and I'm very impressed with the quality of this free tool.

My daughter created an octopus who chases a star around the screen. The star is set to move to a new random spot on the screen every second. The octopus always points toward the star and tries to touch it. If he does, the octopus opens his mouth and the star disappears.

To create this program she had to import, and modify existing graphics as well as learn about different functions to control the characters.

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  1. Very cool free tool. Thanks for sharing on HammockTracks.

  2. this is really cool. thank you so much for sharing. I stopped by from TGIF.


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