
Speed! - Family Math Night - Skip-Counting Game

Speed! makes skip-counting loads of fun, and mastery of skip-counting makes multiplication easy. Today I'm announcing a special offer for teachers.

Speed! has been a hit at Family Math Night. Are you a teacher who would you like to try playing Speed! with kids and their parents during Family Math Night? If you would I would love to send you a free box.

Here's how it works.
  • Like Highhill Education on Facebook
  • Leave me a comment that includes your email address, school name and date of Family Math Night.
  • Then I will send you a box of Speed! cards so you can try it out.
  • When the event is over send me a quick email or write something on your blog to let me know how it went.
Speed! is also fun in the classroom. Here's a post from Mrs. McCumbee who organized a   Speed! competition.

Freebie Fridays

Offer open to the first ten qualifying teachers until Feb 14.
Only one teacher per school.
Events must take place with elementary aged school children before May 31, 2013.
US addresses only

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I am a certified pre-k through 4th grade educator currently homeschooling my daughter. The name of our homeschool is Masters Fides Academy. We do family game night almost every Friday. I would be interested in trying this game with my daughter if homeschooling teachers are included in this offer. She works above her age and grade level. I can be reached at
    tlm swt 2000 (at) msn (dot) com
    Please remove spaces and replace words in parenthesis with correct symbols. Sorry - trying to cut down on spam. Thank you for considering our family. I blog about our learning adventures at A Learning Journey
    Yours truly,
    Tracey M.


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