
Speed! - Offer for Bloggers

Speed! is a fun game for learning multiplication, and playing Speed! helps children develop a strong number sense. I created this game to help my daughter learn multiplication and had it developed into a game for other families to enjoy. I'm so excited to announce our latest promotion.

Calling All Bloggers Are you a blogger? Would you like to try my card game Speed!? If you have a blog with 30 or more followers and agree to write an honest review of Speed! I would love to send you a box.

Here's how it works.
Like Highhill Homeschool on facebook
Leave me a comment that includes your blog address and let me know you would like to participate.

I will send you the card game. You can try it out for a few weeks, and then when January rolls around and we have all slowed down a bit you can write a review on your blog.

Offer open to the first ten qualifying bloggers until Dec 31.
Blog must be interesting to people with children.
Highhill Educational Supplies reserves the right to determine qualifications. 
The Chicken Chick Hip Homeschool Hop Button


  1. OH me I am very interested in giving it a try:)

  2. Hello Julie! I have just bought your speed game a few weeks ago. I'm the one from Spain where it finally arrived last friday ;) remember ;).
    Actually my idea was to write about the game in my blog anyway after the christmas holidays. My youngest loves it.
    My blog is
    It is a Spanish blog so it could open the "Spanish market" for you as your game can be played in any language ;).
    I have 141 followers in Google and 294 followers on google reader.
    I already have the game now, but I would apreciate another one for a perfect present for some friends ;).
    If that is OK for you please let me know.

  3. Hi Julie,
    I believe Marvan must have known about your game through my blog or blogs. I have two blogs, one in Spanish with 189 followers, and one in English with 144. I also have over a 100 followers on FB.

    Like her, I already have the game, my girls LOVE IT. I will write a post for the English blog, and another one for the Spanish for a chance to get another one. Like Marvan says, it is a perfect present for friends.



    Charlotte Mason en espaƱol

    Homeschooling in a Bilingual Home

    1. I remember looking at the post on your Spanish blog. I will gladly send you a box. Could you please email me your address?

      jmommymom - at - gmail - . - com ........ not dashes

    2. I did email you.

      Thanks, Julie.

  4. I would love to try out your game and give a review. We are having some issues remembering multiplication facts. Can't wait to play!

    1. here's my blog address:

  5. Silvia was right. I got to know your game on her blog and loved it ;). So I think it is a very good idea of yours to send out your game to other blogs. It is a perfect way to reach more people.


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