
Shapes and Money Designs

Learning about shapes can be a fun part of math. We created designs while learning about shapes and symmetry. The Map is Not the Territory blog inspired me to do this activity. She frequently posts creative, artsy, hands-on math ideas.

I got out the coins and created some simple designs.

It didn't take long for Jemma to join in.

She created a diamond, circle, hexagon and square. When she first started creating shapes it was difficult to see her corners. The shapes weren't quite even. It didn't take her long to learn to count the number of coins on each side to create a symmetric design.

The top right photo shows a circle. She wanted to create it and it was quite difficult for me. I had a strong urge to help her create straight lines, but was able to resist giving my unrequested advice.
Soon the floor was covered with shapes and designs.

The older kids couldn't resist the activity and joined in.

A dancer. Can you guess who created this design?

This post is linked to:
Sola Gratia
True Aim Education
Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas
Multiples Mom
Tuesday Tots
Family Fun Friday


  1. These are really, really awesome! I love the set-up, the execution and the parental restraint! ;-) I also love the use of the different attributes in the designs (color and size). Are those American or German coins?

    1. Thanks - The idea came from you. We used American coins, but we have Euros so could have used either.


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