
About Me

Homeschooling my three children since 2007 has been a family adventure that is still evolving. My oldest is studying Engineering at Michigan Technological University, my middle child was excited to be in the public school for the first time ever during 10th grade until Covid-19 shut everything down and my youngest is currently a 7th grader and still homeschooled. I began homschooling when my oldest was in 1st grade and it has been our primary method of education for all three kids. They have each spent brief periods of time in the public school system at different times for different reasons. Each time I have been very satisfied with our public school experiences, but have continued to find that homeschooling just works well for our family.

Our homeschooling philosophy tends to align with Charlotte Mason's principles which incorporates lots of well-written literature, is topic based with unit studies and child led whenever possible. In other words, I believe reading, writing and math are foundational and am very flexible as to how and when other topics are incorporated. For example, all three children learned the basics of how to play the piano. Today, my oldest has an extremely well developed hobby and the other two can play Christmas songs from a level 1 book. All three children were exposed to plants and animals. One child sprouted every type of seed imaginable and has raised 13 chickens. He has learned so much through his growing seed days, pre-chicken research and chicken raising days.

There are two products I sell on this blog. Speed! is a skip-counting game that helps children learn multiplication. Johnny's Jelly Bean Tacos is a book created by my family. I greatly prefer it when customers purchase Speed! directly from me as Amazon specifically takes over one-third. Everything I recommend on this blog is a product I have found useful or other homeschooling families I have been in contact with have found useful. I do make around $20 every two months from people who purchase products I recommend through Amazon by clicking through Highhill Education. I write because I like feeling helpful. Thank you for your support.

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