
Best Chapter Books

There are many outstanding chapter books to read with children. It's difficult to narrow a list down to just six, so here are a few that received high ratings from the entire family.

Flood Friday, based on actual events, describes many residents of a town seeking shelter in a local school during a river flood. Survival and natural disaster told through human stories get the thumbs up from my kids.

Mr. Popper's Penguins
My daughter enjoyed this book so much she read it to her sister. Mr. Popper adopts a penguin and when the penguin gets lonely, he gets another. They make a few babies and then the fun really begins.

Island of the Blue Dolphins
A brother and sister are stranded on an island off the California coast and find their own ways to survive. The pack of wild island dogs gives them trouble, but they manage to befriend one. Finding food, building shelter and learning about the dangers of the island make this a great adventure story.

Pippi Longstocking
Pippi, a little girl whose mother died, and father is busy with his adventures at sea, lives alone in a big house. Mr. Wilson, her pet monkey, her horse and two neighborhood friends keep her busy. She doesn't go to school, but spends her time doing many quality activities from counting her gold coins, finding useful things, and cooking for herself. She does everything in her own unique way which is sure to make every child and adult laugh.
The Incredible Journey
Two dogs and a cat journey across the Canadian wilderness to the home they love. Told from the animal's perspective, they meet people who help them, nearly drown in a river, and have encounters with other animals, but manage to find their way home.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
When Charlie finds a golden ticket inside a Wonka chocolate bar he gets a tour of the factory. He could never have imagined the inside in his wildest dreams. Gum that acts like a several course meal, candy that makes people float, and a room completely edible are part of this adventure of a lifetime. The dream only gets better for Charlie as he receives a rich reward for his honesty.

I can't wait to read about the other favorite books of homeschooling bloggers. There are so many books to read and so little time. Please join me as I visit their blogs and leave me a comment so we can check-out your favorite books too.

Barefoot Hippie Girl
Every Bed of Roses
One Magnificent Obsession
Navigating by Joy

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List it Tuesday

* I did not receive any compensation for this recommendation. I'm just a homeschooling mom who has found many products that I like. If you're interested in the products I recommend on this blog I want to make it easy for you to find them. 
** I am an Amazon associate and receive a small portion of the sales on orders made after clicking in from this site, which I promptly spend on homeschooling books and supplies for my children.


  1. We've enjoyed Charlie and the Chocolate Factory this year and I remember reading Island of the Blue Dolphins. Have you read the sequel ? Mr Poppers Penguins is another favourite I'm looking forward to reading soon.

  2. Mr Popper's Penguins is on our list too. I've not heard of a few on your list - which is a good thing - I like new finds!

  3. Some great reads! Our kids aren't quite old enough to sit through a chapter book, but i'm so looking forward to when they do!


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