
Do Kids Need Toys?

The paper recycle bin is my son's favorite toy box in the house and has been for at least 5 years. Toilet paper and paper towel rolls are impossible to throw away. So are cereal boxes and tissue containers.
This high rise apartment home for stuffed animals has been growing fast. Each time a tissue box is discarded another room gets added to the complex.

The entire structure is carried around the house all day long.

These boxes became saddle bags for the bike.

This one became a mail box for a friend.

Do your kids love to play in the recycle bin too? What have they made?

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  1. I can't throw away toilet roll tubes, kitchen roll tubes, all manners of boxes (big or small), bubble wraps, without my son's "approval". He has made so many things out of them that I haven't thought to record them. Your children are very creative in using recycled materials. It's great to see such boundless creativity!

  2. Love their creativity! Mine love cardboard boxes; I really should just let them have the recyclables and see what they create one day.

  3. Your kids are so creative. I agree there's much more mileage in "junk" than expensive toys.

  4. Love the high-rise. My kids love making stuff out of the recyclables. My boys love playing with finger skateboards (Tech Decks) and they make ramps, etc. out of cardboard all the time! The other favorite "non-toy," around here is tape!!


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